澳門烘焙 Macau coffee roaster | 香港專享: 購物滿400g咖啡豆免郵^_^🎁

Blooom x Fellow CARTER MOVE MUG 12oz
Blooom x Fellow CARTER MOVE MUG 12oz
Blooom x Fellow CARTER MOVE MUG 12oz
Blooom x Fellow CARTER MOVE MUG 12oz

Blooom x Fellow CARTER MOVE MUG 12oz

Regular price $318.00
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Fellow 隔渣保温瓶

  • 咖啡 // 茶 // 潤喉飲料 // 果汁
  • 保熱12小時 // 保冷24小時
  • 耐用
  • 輕便

容量: 12oz
尺寸: 7cm直徑 x 15cm高

We never understood why to-go tumblers made design decisions that compromised the coffee drinking experience. The senses–taste, smell, and touch–were ignored, while durability and extreme heat retention were prioritized. Why not both?

Meet Carter Move Mug, a travel mug finally worthy of the coffee inside. Designed to amplify the senses and engineered to fit your travel needs with a snap-in splash guard and slim width, you can now enjoy coffee at its fullest on-the-go.